
My first film, Sloth Person Shooter, a collaboration with artist Risa Puno, will premiere this Saturday at the Dixon Place Movie Nite. It's an exploration of the connections between mid-90s first person shooter video games, sloths, Chex breakfast cereal, and the conflicts between agression and nurturance.


Does that reflect poorly on me, that I could be made so happy by a single chocolate doughnut?


So I guess I (everyone?) just need(s) to be hypnotized and have the hypnotherapist die of a heart attack in front of me (us)? 

Movie Nite

May 1 & 2, Dixon Place, NYC.


The Hat 8, edited by Jordan Davis and Chris Edgar, has just arrived.
Douglas Rothschild's first full-length collection of poems, Theogony, is now available from subpress.


Report on a Poem Written in Grape Soda on the D -train Floor

On the D-train, 
a full can of grape soda 
slowing rolls by, 
leaving a long trail 
of liquid blobs like footprints across 
the floor of the subway. 
The shapes slowly morph 
from the momentum of car, 
eventually fusing together 
into a long, expressive 
set of lines. It is a kind 
of writing. It seems to be  
full of meaning, 
and people look at it, 
and step around it. 

We both look like those poor shattered mannequins thrown through the window in the riot.