
What if you look at something with a little life in it, Leaves of Grass, for instance, and you decide to do everything in your power to drain the life out of it while appearing to champion it? Maybe you secretly, jealously hate the art and wish to kill it with cliches and platitudes, or dripping sententiousness? Or, maybe, more to the point, you valorize the figure of the author, your one true fixation, while having little or no interest of what the art does in the first place, or why. And it's not just PBS. How many poetry listeners in churches and non-profits continually make the same kinds of mistakes...


rodney k said...


tmorange said...

was the PBS thing on whitman that bad? i had the sound down with tunes playing...

Drew said...


I should have thought of turning the sound down. That would have improved it. Then you just watch the Ken Burns slow photo zoom on the beard the way it was meant to be, with the Microphones blasting in the background.

Or you could turn off the visuals and just deal with the text. I think your instinct that subtraction = amelioration is solid. Only every 3rd word of the text would spiff it right up.

Ryan W. said...

I remember liking the whitman PBS thing. I hate the poetry things on the News Hour. I don't like that one guy with the curly mouth who interviews all the Laureates.