
My piece on the Late Night With Jimmy Fallon Roots, vs. The Highline Ballroom Roots, is up at the Brooklyn Rail. 


rodney k said...

Great piece, Drew. Interesting angle on a surprising topic. Esp. liked the bit about the fade-out/fade-in from house band to commercial Muzak and back:

"... but it is equally possible that these alternative hip-hop framings of commercials render far more transparent the process through which the ads are constantly infiltrating our casual resistance, precisely by framing the sounds and music of advertising with the sonic intimations of a party we actually want to be at but can never quite grasp as long as we’re soaking in these disembodied images of consumption."

There's, like, a whole lotta poetics in that.

Drew said...

thks r-- This topic turned out to be one where it was hard to shut the piece off, whereas sometimes I'm looking for an exit after 700 words. -- I realized early I probably should have pitched 3000 on this one -- My notes got comically out of control. Could have done 800 word on snare tone...